Farrier Report: Glushu for Navicular
Thank you to expert farrier Ronald Aalders for another fantastic Glushu report on a horse he was helping who was suffering with...

Glushu Farrier Case Study: Navicular
Great Glushu work from expert farrier Miha Cebek who used Glushu glue on horse shoes to help a horse with Navicular Syndorme. Please...

Owner Video: Glushu Fast Fix Fitting.
Thanks to Henry the Handsome Horse and his human Katie Green for sending us this video of their latest Glushu shoeing. Katie began using...

Farrier Glushu Fast Fix Tutorial.
Following feedback from Glushu farriers and horse owners we are always looking to improve the Glushu shoeing system. A lot of the feed...

Gazelle is back on her feet thanks to Glushu!
Thanks to Katie Roberts for the update on Gazelle. "I am a big barefoot fanatic and have had all my horses barefoot for the last few...