Owner Report: Glushu for laminitis.
Laminitis is a serious condition affecting the hooves of horses. Unfortunately, complications can worsen their situation. For horse...

Farrier Report: Mini Glushu for donkey Dolly.
Thank you to Farrier Benjamin Reed for sharing how they use Mini Glushu glue on horse shoes on rescue donkey Dolly. Please check out...

Farrier Update: Mini Glushu in competition.
Thanks to Mini Horse on Tour for choosing Glushu again for their competition season. We wish them the best of luck!!! Great photos from...

Farrier Report: Mini Glushu Video
Thank you to Farrier Ronald Aalders for sharing how they use Mini Glushu glue on horse shoes on their recent client. Please check out...

Farrier Report: Mini Glushu for competition.
Great to see that Mini Horse on Tour are choosing Glushu again for their competition season. We wish them the best of luck!!! Check out...

Farrier Report: Glushu for donkey to support post keratoma removal
Thank you to the expert farrier Joseph Santos for sharing how using Glushu glue on horse shoes helped to provide support for a donkey who...

Owner Update: Mini Glushu when you can't nail
Thank you to horse owner Kathrin and expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel for sharing an update on her little guy who was fitted with Glushu...

Owner Review: Glushu saves a Mini who could not be nailed.
Thank you to horse owner Kathrin for sharing how Mini Glushu and expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel saved her little guy when nailing was no...

Owner Review: Mini Glushu for Laminitic Miniature Shetland Willow
Thank you to horse owner Catherine for sharing Willows Glushu journey. We are so happy that Glushu helped to comfort her during...

Farrier Report: Mini Glushu for laminitic pony.
Thank you to expert farrier Joseph Santos for another fantastic Glushu report. Joseph is an expert at dealing with extremely difficult...