Owner Review: Glushu saves a Mini who could not be nailed.
Thank you to horse owner Kathrin for sharing how Mini Glushu and expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel saved her little guy when nailing was no...

Owner Review: Draft Glushu for horse with sore feet
Thank you to horse owner Priscilla for sharing how draft Glushu helped her tender foot. We are so happy Glushu were the answer. If you...

Farrier Report: Glushu for horse with sore feet
Thank you to expert farrier Mark Innes for sharing how they helped a barefoot horse with tender feet. Be sure to check out Mark Innes on...

Farrier Video: Glushu for laminitis.
Thank you to expert farrier Tom Clothier for sharing this video where they used Glushu to help a horse with laminitis. Be sure to check...

Farrier Report: Getting a horse with hoof problems back in the arena.
Thank you to expert farrier Phoenix Equestrian for sharing this report on how they used Glushu to help Whiskey to get back in...