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Owner Review: Glushu for heavy horses.

Big thank you to horse owners John and Cynthia for sharing their experience of using Glushu for a horse that is both heavy and trail rides in deep mud.

If you would like to try Glushu please order today from our online store or at your local Glushu farrier supply store.

From Cynthia & John

"We began online research into horse shoe alternatives after we moved to a new state and could no longer find a qualified farrier. My husband's horse, Baby Huey, is a heavy horse who had trouble keeping shoes. When farrier applied nail on shoes were lost even just 3 weeks after a fresh shoeing again and again, (and taking a chunk of hoof wall with it), we knew it was time for a change. For an entire riding season we tried hoof boots. We learned how to correctly fit them and were excited that we had a solution. But that excitement faded when one expensive hoof boot after another was pulled off in the mud, never to be found again.

We are trail riders who enjoy riding remote areas, so mud is just to be expected. We needed a mud-proof solution that would work dependably in all conditions, that wouldn't damage the hoof wall, and that we could apply ourselves. We tried a tab type glue on shoe first, but that also did not last more than a few weeks with Baby Huey's weight.

After watching YouTube videos about how to apply Glushu's, we gave them a try. At first we had trouble with the glue because we were not using the correct plastic adapter that fits at the end of the glue tube. The company owner even spoke with us on a Sunday to help us figure out the problem! The correct adapter presses out both the outer circle of glue and the inner cylinder glue hardener of the two part glue into the mixing tip. With the correct adapter, we had no more glue problems, and applied 4 shoes on each horse.

The horses moved comfortably in the Glushu's from the beginning. The next test: muddy hills and stream crossings. As you can see from the pictures the mud was knee deep. At the end of three rides in these same muddy conditions, the Glushu's are still tight and holding perfectly. Baby Huey shows no signs of coming out of Glushu's anytime soon.

The Glushu's are easier to apply than the tab type glue on shoe for us, as there is no fiddly blister to apply before the glue. We think that because there is more surface area glued with the Glushu cuff, even our heavy Baby Huey won't break out of the shoe prematurely.

We recommend Glushu's highly for its excellent design, durability, and straightforward application.

Baby Huey: Tennessee Walking Horse, age 12, weight:1300 poundsElam: Spotted Saddle / Tennessee Walking Horse, age 16, weight: 950 pounds"

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