Farrier Report: Glushu when nailing is not an option.
Thank you to farrier Peter Rowlay for sharing how he uses Glushu glue on horseshoes on their thoroughbred client who could not tolerate traditional naililing. Please check out Peter Rowlay on Facebook to see more of their work.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse, please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us sue@glushu.com.
From Peter Rowlay:
“This is my recent thoroughbred client whos back feet have really suffered with the bad weather / environment last year and got to the point I couldn’t get to nail a shoe on for more than couple of weeks.
The horse needs work otherwise they go a bit crazy so I knew Glushu would be the best option when nailing is impossible. The owner was so happy as Glushu meant she could keep riding and the feet stayed good.
She wanted to just try it but it’s working so well I’ll be putting the 4th pair of hinds on next week!”